Марал Радиосу

The Tajik side brings heavy equipment to the border

According to the military unit of the Border Service of the 2001-detachment, at 20:50, a shooting occurred at the border crossing in the village of Kok-Tash. Tajik border guards also use mortars and grenades in the areas of Tort-Kocho and Uch-Dobo.

At about 21:50 at the frontier post in the Tajik village of Lyakkon, bordering the village of Kara-Bak in the Batken region, a message was received that Tajik troops were conducting exercises using 3 infantry fighting vehicles, 1 armored personnel carrier and 5 mortars.

Residents of the villages of Orto-Boz, Zhaka-Oruk, Uch-Dobo, Ak-Tatyr, Tash-Tumshuk and Samarkandek of the Batken region were relocated to Batken and Ravat.

60 families from the Ak-Say rural district were placed in the Imarov secondary school #3 of the city of Batken.

In order to prevent the situation, residents of the villages of Maksat, Kulundu and Sada of the Leilek region were evacuated. Citizens resettled in Batken were provided with food.

We will inform you about changes in the socio-political situation.